The Hope of a Kingdom Woman
Hope Defined: the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best:
- to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
Read Luke 13:10-17
This Woman was a faithful synagogue going, even though she had been suffering for years.
- What was the one thing this woman had to do to be healed?
There is a difference between going to church and meeting Jesus at church.
- What is the difference between the two?
- Have you gone to church and had an encounter with Jesus?
Do you believe the bent woman had a right to be blessed based on her heritage as a daughter of Abraham?
Do you believe you have a right to be blessed based on your standing with Jesus Christ?
What does it mean to you to “be blessed?
In this text, it appeared to others that the bent woman had a physical problem.
But we see in the text that Jesus called it a spirit.
Why is it difficult to tell when our problems are rooted in spiritual matters?
If you have a spiritual problem, you need a spiritual cure.
You may not be bent over physically- but are you bent over spiritually? Are there some areas in your life that are out of wack, or out of order? Is there an evil spirit working behind the scenes of it? How do you know that its not spiritual?
If you do not know Jesus in the pardon of your sin, you are spiritually dead and spiritually blind. In this state you don’t have any hope for eternity with Christ and living eternally in heaven.
Jesus is your only hope.
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